John M. Baker
Greene Espel PLLP
CLE Breakout - Tattoos, the Rockettes, and the First Amendment – Recent Issues in Fair Use and Free Speech

James S. Becker
Assistant Federal Public Defender
District of Minnesota
Plenary CLE - Serving the Interests of Justice: The Success of Reentry, Diversion and Veterans Courts

Leslie C. Behaunek
Nyemaster Goode, P.C.
Plenary CLE - Broadcasting Civil and Criminal Proceedings

Royal Garrett
Minnesota Reentry Court Graduate
Plenary CLE - Serving the Interests of Justice: The Success of Reentry, Diversion and Veterans Courts

Kito J. Bess
Chief Probation Officer
Minnesota Probation Office
Plenary CLE - Serving the Interests of Justice: The Success of Reentry, Diversion and Veterans Courts

Hon. Jerry W. Blackwell
U.S. District Judge
U.S. District Court - District of Minnesota
CLE Breakout - Demonstrative Evidence, Illustrative Aids, and Summaries: Can Proposed FRE 107 Bring Order to the "Wild West"?

Hon. John M. Bodenhausen
U.S. Magistrate Judge
Missouri Eastern District Court
Plenary CLE - Serving the Interests of Justice: The Success of Reentry, Diversion and Veterans Courts

Stanley V. Bond
Lead Counsel
Bond Law Office
CLE Breakout - Bankruptcy “Buffet” – Bitesize Roundtable Discussions Among the Bench and Bar

Hon. Hildy Bowbeer
Magistrate Judge (ret.)
U.S. District Court - District of Minnesota
CLE Breakout - Words Matter: How the Use of Inclusive Language Can Lead to Clearer Legal Outcomes and Greater Confidence in the Judicial Process

Hon. Nancy E. Brasel
U.S. District Judge
Minnesota District Court
CLE Breakout - Please Unmute Yourself: The Future of Remote Court Proceedings

Hon. Timothy L. Brooks
U.S. District Judge
Arkansas Western District Court
Plenary CLE - Serving the Interests of Justice: The Success of Reentry, Diversion and Veterans Courts